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Why Jesus? - Spanish


¿Por qué Jesús?

This Spanish edition of Why Jesus? is a concise, easy-to-read study of the very real questions people may have about Jesus and why his birth, death and resurrection are central to the Christian faith.

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Hay mucha gente desconcertada hoy en día respecto a Jesús.

¿Por qué hay tanto interés en alguien que nació hace 2.000 años?
¿Por qué hay tanta gente entusiasmada con Jesús?
¿Por qué necesitamos a Jesús? ¿Por qué vino?
¿Por qué murió?
¿Por qué molestarse en descubrirlo?


Written by Nicky Gumbel, this booklet explores why we need Jesus and how he satisfies our hunger for meaning and purpose in life, for life beyond death, and for forgiveness.

Exploring Jesus' claims, character and death, Nicky uses effortlessly uncomplicated language to talk about the freedom we receive from guilt, addition, and fear, and the freedom to know God, to love other people, and to change.

Sections within the booklet include:

  • Why do we need Jesus?
  • How do we know Christianity is true?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why did he come?
  • Why did he die?
  • Common excuses for not accepting the gift
  • What do we have to do?
  • A simple prayer to start your relationship with God
  • What now?
Product details
Author Nicky Gumbel
Illustrator Charlie Mackesy
Publisher Alpha International
Published 2013
Language Spanish
Format Paperback
Weight 35g
Pages 24
Thickness 2 mm
Height 178 mm
Width 111 mm
ISBN 9781931808538
More Information
Custom product type: Booklets
Publisher: Alpha International
Width (mm): 111
Height (mm): 179
Author: Nicky Gumbel
ISBN: 9781931808538
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