Alpha Book Collection

By Nicky Gumbel

Buy all five copies of our core Alpha books with this special deal giving a £20.00 discount (40%) off the RRP.

Each book is effectively £5.99.

Questions of Life – exploring the Christian faith

A step-by-step guide to the basics of the Christian faith by one of the world’s most respected Christian leaders. This book explores key themes, questions and objections to faith, leading us on an engaging, personal journey of discovery.  The chapters reflect each Alpha session.

Searching Issues – tough questions, straight answers

From Why does God allow suffering? to Is faith irrational? this book explores and discusses common objections to the Christian faith. Nicky Gumbel offers clear, accessible and reasoned responses to the questions that surround faith and Christianity.

A Life Worth Living – live a life of purpose, passion and joy

A practical and positive guide to living life to the full. This book introduces the reader, in a simple and practical way, to St Paul’s letter to the Philippians, in which he encourages the church he planted in Philippi to go on pursuing their new identity in Christ.

The Jesus Lifestyle – practical guidelines for living out Jesus’ teachings

In this engaging and fascinating book, Nicky Gumbel takes a closer look at the Sermon on the Mount and presents, with his familiar mix of humour and wisdom, the way Jesus tells us to live our lives. Topics include how to deal with anger; how to handle money; what to do when faced with difficult people; and more.

Telling Others – how to run a successful Alpha

This book imparts the vision, excitement, and challenge of Alpha, with a practical guide to running a successful course. Perfect as a resource for churches, the book details the principles and structure of Alpha, tips on hosting small groups and giving talks, and guidance on pastoral care.

All five books contain illustrations throughout by Charlie Mackesy.

Product details:

  • Author: Nicky Gumbel
  • English Paperback
  • Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
  • Collective weight: 736g
  • Collective thickness: 65 mm
  • Height: 198 mm
  • Width: 130 mm
RRP: £49.95

About the author

Nicky Gumbel led Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) from 2005 to 2022. Before this he read law at Cambridge and theology at Oxford, and practised as a barrister. Nicky is the pioneer of Alpha, a 15-session introduction to the Christian faith now running in over 100 countries around the world, and author of a number of bestselling books including Questions of Life and Searching Issues. Nicky is married to Pippa. They live in central London and have three children.