After Alpha
When your Alpha has finished there’s a wide range of ways to stay connected with guests and encourage and develop discipleship. At Alpha we don’t specifically recommend what to do next as every context is different and there’s a whole host of brilliant resources available from churches and organisations you might look to use.
Helping guests become part of your church community and grow in faith is so important. If you wish to keep meeting as a group, below are a few courses you might like to consider:
Run Alpha!
Guests who’ve become Christians through your Alpha often make the perfect group helper in your next Alpha. It gives them the opportunity to re-watch the films and an opportunity to continue to ask questions.
A Life Worth Living
A 10-session video resource based on Nicky Gumbel's book. It’s a simple and practical introduction to the letter to the Philippians. Each episode includes places to pause and questions for you to discuss in your groups, along with opportunities for you to pray together. Watch on YouTube
The Jesus Lifestyle
This book, written by Nicky Gumbel, takes a closer look at the Sermon on the Mount – Jesus’ teaching on how to conduct our lives. Each of the 18 chapters work well as a small group discussion theme. If your group like reading, ask them to read the chapter before you gather and discuss the topic together each week.
HTB Group Resources
This website highlights a range of teaching materials ideal for small groups. Resources are on a variety of topics including books and themes in the Bible, Christian literature and many more. They can be used 'off the shelf' or tailored to your group.
30 Days
This book, written by Nicky Gumbel, is ideal for those who are new to the Christian faith and gives a practical introduction to reading the Bible. It helps readers develop a deeper relationship with God and cultivates a lifetime habit of Bible reading.
Recommended reading
For those guests who are new to faith and enjoy reading, why not recommend some books to them which are mentioned within the Alpha videos and the Alpha Guide. View the books